Friday, March 16, 2012

Still Voting Against Tom Swiss . .

I'll have a more in depth post about "why" I'll still not cast a vote for Republican Tom Swiss in a subsequent post this weekend -- even after his opponent in the Primary, Derek Smith has been arrested and charged with public bribery.  More on why later, but for now, the hits just keep rolling in for Swiss.

He seem not to want to be outdone by Smith, continuing his own highly-deceptive campaign.  In today's mailer, Swiss stops just a hair short (if at all) of saying that not only is he a democrat (he's not) but that (a) Obama endorses him and (b) conversely, he endorses Obama's agenda.

"The Winning Team"  "Obama & Swiss" and the circle and arrow connection.  Are you kidding me?

Does this seem like a guy who is on Obama's "team"?

I'll leave it for others to debate the larger question -- which is a greater sin: taking a bribe when in office or seeking to gain office by highly-deceptive means.  For now, I'll just continue to point out the fraudulent campaign that Republican Tom Swiss is running.

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