Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vote Lance Tyson

Well, as predicted, the establishment has recruited a candidate to face off against indicted Democrat, Derek Smith.

He is Lance Tyson.  He deserves your vote.

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Endorsements


michael dot laporte at gmail dot com

I've completed my review of the various bar organizations so that you don't have to. I'm attaching / linking a scan of MY sample ballot, which is marked to indicate who I think you should vote for (i.e., how I'll be voting tomorrow).

Two notes:

1.  This is for MY location.  If you aren't in Wicker Park, you might have a slightly different line up.  If that matters to you, comment here or email me and I can help on YOUR sample ballot.

2.  I have marked ONLY those judges who I believe you should vote "no" for their retention.  Although not marked, I think that the remaining judges should all receive your "yes" vote -- although for those who are concerned about time, you can probably safely skip it as most retentions happen.  Its more important to vote "no" for the bad judges.

Vote.  Go do it today if you can.  Early voting started already!!  Get out there this week.  You have no excuse.

Here is a link to find your sample ballot.  LINK

Here is a link to the Chicago Council of Lawyers evaluations.  LINK

To a respectable blog post discussing some of the folks in the cross hairs.  LINK

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Swiss Gets Crushed

Time now for Democrats to dump Smith, recruit a stand up Democrat to run as an independent, and win in November with a respectable candidate.

What My Dog Thinks of Tom Swiss

Low Information?

Tom Swiss claimed that the constituency that he seeks to represent is "low information."  It looks like that might be hurting him.  Although few people in a Fox poll knew that Swiss was actually a republican, it seems that few also knew that Smith has been indicted on federal bribery charges.

Swiss looks like he's going to take a pounding today:

Monday, March 19, 2012

I'm NOT Voting for Tom Swiss

Bottom line:  Punch Derek Smith's number tomorrow.  It is the only way voters in the 10th District will have a choice between a Democrat (who won't be Derek Smith -- see below) and a Republican in November.

So, here it is.  Tomorrow is the primary.  Tom Swiss, a republican is facing off against Derek Smith, sitting appointee who has been indicted on bribery charges.  Not a great choice.  In a perfect world, there'd be a better choice. This race gives new meaning to the "lesser of two evils."  So, who do you choose?

Well, I'm not choosing either.  But I'm not abstaining. Here's how to look at this race:

Derek Smith, even if he wins the primary isn't going to be our next state representative.  For as much support as he's getting now, that would evaporate if he's still on the ballot come November.

Tom Swiss, if he wins tomorrow, will guarantee that the electorate has a choice between a republican and a republican in November.  As has been documented here endlessly, Tom Swiss, no matter what he calls himself, is a Republican.

There is a third way.  And, its the most likely way.  The Democratic Party (or a subset of its saner members) will recruit someone to run as an independent or a write in and that candidate will be fully supported in November, not Derek Smith. The election rules permit third party candidates to file paperwork to be on November's ballot and allow write ins to be included. Under such scenarios (likely, in my opinion) in November, the voters of the 10th district will then have a choice between a Democrat (running as an independent or write in) and a Republican and can decide on the merits of the respective candidates. Derek Smith can be ignored.

If this DOESN'T happen, I'll be happy to congratulate tomorrow's victorious Republican Primary candidate (one running as a Republican in that primary, not Tom Swiss, posing as a Democrat).

So, I'm going to punch Derek Smith's number tomorrow.  I'm telling myself it isn't a vote "for" him, its just a vote against Swiss.  It is purely strategic, to ensure that the voters have a clear choice in November.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tom Swiss's New Lie

Republican Tom Swiss is remarkable.  Bad enough that he's running an agressive campaign of misinformation and deceit regarding the fact that he's a Republican and not a Democrat.  But now, in seeking in the nomination for the Democratic Party, he's sent out this mailer about his opponent:

"Smith will not be able to hold office."  That's false. Tom Swiss knows its false. I think that's the definition of a lie.

I'm not defending Smith -- I only know the allegations - against him.  He could be proven guilty he might not.  But our system presumes innocence.  UNLESS Smith is proven guilty, he can hold office.  Tom Swiss has already convicted Smith.  The fact is, he's not been convicted of anything.

Its hard to understand why there isn't at least some restraint on this point.  Pointing out the facts would seem to be enough even for a Republican running an under-the-rader campaign of deceit posing as a Democrat.  Why lie and deceive?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Republican Tom Swiss Gets Others to Lie to Voters

I got a mailer the other day from local real estate agent (and staunch Republican) Kathleen Cordes.  She continues to perpetrate the fraud claiming that Republican Tom Swiss is supposedly a Democrat.  She makes it explicit - "Democrat Tom Swiss . . . "

Cordes makes the same inadvertent slam against Democrats, referring to it as the "Democrat" primary.  Are Republicans really this clueless that they cannot call it properly the "Democratic Party" and "Democratic Primary?"  Like Swiss, she doesn't mention that Swiss is a Republican. And, like Swiss, she calls him a Democrat.  Both are false.

Its one thing that the Republican himself is perpetrating the fraud, but now he's got others in on it too.  Cordes addresses the letter to me as a "neighbor" but she, like Swiss, neglects to mention that she's also an activist republican herself.

Republican Ward Committeeman -- just like Tom Swiss.  Convenient (for me) that they are even on the same line on the GOP web page. The "honorable" here seems to be a bit of a misnomer given her joining in Swiss's deceit.  Why would you put your reputation on the line like this by joining in with Tom Swiss's fraud?  Hopefully, she doesn't perpetrate this type of fraud on her "neighbors" in her real estate agency work.

 This gem (below) is just my jab and suggestion that her track record for endorsements, is, well, Republican also.

Still Voting Against Tom Swiss . .

I'll have a more in depth post about "why" I'll still not cast a vote for Republican Tom Swiss in a subsequent post this weekend -- even after his opponent in the Primary, Derek Smith has been arrested and charged with public bribery.  More on why later, but for now, the hits just keep rolling in for Swiss.

He seem not to want to be outdone by Smith, continuing his own highly-deceptive campaign.  In today's mailer, Swiss stops just a hair short (if at all) of saying that not only is he a democrat (he's not) but that (a) Obama endorses him and (b) conversely, he endorses Obama's agenda.

"The Winning Team"  "Obama & Swiss" and the circle and arrow connection.  Are you kidding me?

Does this seem like a guy who is on Obama's "team"?

I'll leave it for others to debate the larger question -- which is a greater sin: taking a bribe when in office or seeking to gain office by highly-deceptive means.  For now, I'll just continue to point out the fraudulent campaign that Republican Tom Swiss is running.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Republican Tom Swiss & The Twitter - Fail

Republican Tom Swiss appears to have been ambitious enough to seek out a web presence by signing up for Twitter.  But it also seems to lack a bit of follow through. The republican, seeking the democratic nomination for the 10th District House Seat in Illinois, has no Tweets.  The only tweet on his page is this:

"Are you sure littering everyone's yard is a great way to win?  I don't know who you are running against, but I'm checking that box." - Jon Francis.


Monday, March 12, 2012


I circulate to a small group "endorsements" in the local elections, mostly to educate my non-lawyer friends on the judicial elections.

Those will go out early this week.  Not surprisingly, I WON'T be endorsing Tom Swiss, the republican running as a democrat for the 10th District seat.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Who Sold My Address to Republican Tom Swiss?

I know we get a lot of mailers in this campaign season.  I donate from time to time to democratic candidates throughout the country, nationally, and sometimes, locally.  As a result, some of those folks sell my address to others as a part of a mailing list.

I don't donate to republican causes.  So, I wonder, where Republican Tom Swiss got my address from.  Who sold it to him?  The Democratic party certainly didn't give him my name and address to be solicited, did they?

And the "message" of this thing?  Why not just say "goodness"  . . . "I'm for 'goodness.'"  I suppose the implication is that Derek Smith is against jobs?  He really does think that this constituency is "low information" and also borderline retarded.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tom Swiss Isn't a Democrat - He's Not Black Either

As the March 20th primary date draws nearer here in Illinois, Tom Swiss (republican) is garnering more and more attention in the local press -- but its hardly the type of press that someone posing as a democrat wants.

Pictured above is NOT Tom Swiss.  He's not black.  And, he's not a democrat.  He's a republican "interloper," as the article points out.

Tom Swiss, Republican, Donates $44k to His Own Campaign.

According to  this piece here, Tom Swiss, a republican who is running for the democratic nomination for the Illinois House (10th Dist) has added another $10,000 to his campaign out of his own pocket.  This goes on top of the $34,000 that he has already donated to himself, making by far, his biggest contributor.  The only other notable donation was for $1,500.

The results of the primary will tell if its worth $44,000 for a republican to run as a democrat.

Sun Times "Profiles" Republican Tom Swiss

A very superficial piece on the 10th district noted Swiss's Republican background but parroted his "its not about party" talking point without examining the claim.

It did quote Alderman Fioretti, another white politician representing a majority black constituency:
“It is a bit disingenuous,” Fioretti said of Swiss’ billboard. “In the white areas he’s got his picture, then in parts of my ward, he’s got the black construction worker.”
 The article also highlights Swiss's "unfortunate" email calling the voters of the district "low information voters."  Swiss takes issue with the characterization of that slam as only applying the majority African American constituency.  He take the opportunity to expand the slam, contending that ALL 10th district voters are "low information."

Derek Smith's Attack Line - Tom Swiss is a Republican

This strategy is predictable . . . and wise:

Nice photoshopping here.  Derek Smith goes after the low hanging fruit here -- Tom Swiss, running as a democrat, is actually a republican.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stunning - GOP Leaning Tribune Endorses the Actual Democrat

Tom Swiss, Republican, cannot even garner the endorsement of the Republican-leaning Tribune.  Not good news, Tom.

I'm Looking at YOU, Tom Swiss (R)

The piece talks, among other things, about Tom Swiss, the Republican's strategy (?) of putting campaign signs in abandoned buildings.
Swiss’s signs are affixed to every abandoned house on the West Side. We’ll find out on March 20 whether he has support in any occupied houses.

Tom Swiss - Republican Army of One?

"Citizens for Tom Swiss," the group  supporting Republican Fraudster Tom Swiss's bid to become a Democratic nominee for the Illinois House, is apparently a committee of one:

Not a very "Democratic Party" Kind of Title . . .

Tom Swiss, Republican posing as a democrat to sneak into the Illinois House race formerly held the title:

"Cook County Republican Central Committee Executive Director."

Unless this guy has done some sort of Ariana Huffington political transformation (in reverse), he's a Republican.

If I farted but said it was rose water, it'd still be a fart.  Calling yourself a Democrat doesn't make you one "blue dog" or otherwise.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tom Swiss NOT Endorsed as the Democratic Candidate . . .

Should it even be surprising that Tom Swiss (R), didn't get the endorsement in the DEMOCRATIC primary?

Tom Swiss - Admin on the Chicago GOP Web Site

Ah, Tom:

At least he had the good sense to take down the naked photo that garnered headlines at Talking Points Memo ("Chicago GOP Site That Featured Photo Of Naked Woman Not Affiliated With Republican Party")

Tom Swiss - Republican Fraud

He's said elsewhere that he's not hiding the fact that he's a Republican.

This "response" to the Chicago Tribune's questionnaire is a funny way not to "hide" his GOP affilliations:

Previous political experience (elective and appointed positions)
No answer given.

Tom Swiss - Resigned From the CC GOP . . .

Update to the prior post, noting Tom Swiss is still listed as the Ward Committeeman for the Cook County GOP -- apparently he resigned.

27th Ward Committeeman Vacancy
Tom Swiss, the 27th Ward Republican Committeeman, has tendered  his resignation.  The Cook County Republican Party will be accepting candidates to be considered for this position.  If you would like to inquire further, please contact our office at (708) 974-9070  or send your resume to  
Posted by Sig Vaznelis in Uncategorized on 10/31/2011 

The CCGOP just hasn't gotten around to removing him from their web site.  I wonder why?

Note to Tom Swiss - Democratic Party Members Don't Refer to it as the "Democrat Party"

As if there weren't enough signs (pun NOT intended) pointing to the fraudulent campaign that Tom Swiss is running, this piece at Capitol Fax, which quotes a Swiss campaign email, gives more evidence to the lie.

this morning several reporters including myself received this blast e-mail from the Swiss campaign…
If he is going to try to pose as a member of the Democratic he should eschew the use of the pejorative "Democrat" that Republicans love.

Republican Tom Swiss Thinks the African American Constituency He Seeks to Represent is Dumb

The money quote from this Capitol Fax piece:
In his own e-mail, which was date-stamped May 24th, Swiss dismissed the majority African-American district’s residents as “extremely low information voters."
Ouch.  Whatever happened to the GOP's "we trust the people" principle?

Weird - Tom Swiss is Listed as "Leadership" in the Ill GOP

Tom Swiss, seeking the democratic nod for state senate is listed as Ward Committeeman for the Cook County GOP.

Locals Picking Up on the Fact that Tom Swiss is a Republican

If this post at Every Block is any indication, it looks like locals (my neighbors) are picking up on the fact that Tom Swiss, although seeking a democratic nomination for state senate in Illinois, is actually a hard-core republican activist.

There's also a lot of discussion there about the alleged illegal sign postings that the Swiss campaign is engaged in.  Personally, I've seen about 5 signs illegally posted on public property.

Chicago Sun Times - "Tom Swiss is a Republican"

The Sun Times recently did a piece on the fact that Tom Swiss is a republican.

GOP Site - Tom Swiss Prominent Poster - And Host?

Talking Points Memo indicated that Swiss ran in its piece cited earlier regarding the random pornographic photos on the site.  Regardless of who runs / ran the site, Swiss was a prominent poster.

Tom Swiss, despite seeking the democratic nomination, seems like a pretty hardcore republican.

Tom Swiss - Republican, Not a Democrat

Swiss Is a Voodoo/Trickle Down Economist

Swiss apparently is a died-in-the-wool Republican who believes in "trickle down" economics.  Buehler?

From his web site:
Arguably, if the corporate income tax were to be eliminated (presently ranging from 2%-5% of State revenue), a case could be made that we would attract more jobs. More jobs would give rise to higher personal income tax revenues including additional property tax and transactional sales tax revenues.

Tom Swiss Likes Lots of Republicans on Facebook

It doesn't seem like Swiss is even trying all that hard to conceal the fact that he's a republican, as noted here on his Facebook page:

Music and LyricsIllinois House Republican OrganizationIllinois Republican Party,Ben Mahoney Productions. Video that rocks.Illinois Family InstituteBill Brady,Adam RobinsonScott BrownMaritza MartinezFred ThompsonTim Pawlenty,Elizabeth CoulsonJason PlummerScott Lee CohenCarlson Gracie Team MMA Valko Brazilian Jiu-jitsuBrazilian Jiu JitsuFilm RacingFlagstaff Jiu JitsuCitizens for Paul ChialdikasJoe WilsonDavid RatowitzDavid Hoffman, Democrat for US SenateBrendan R. AppelAshvin LadDan CroninBob SchillerstromSarah PalinAdam KinzingerDan ProftChicago Young RepublicansDan RutherfordIllinois Fair Map AmendmentU.S. Chamber of CommerceRepublican State Senate Campaign CommitteeRepublican RaveRed Shift IllinoisJoannie RochetteCarol MarinMichelle MalkinPhil KerpenIce Girl AnnaBobby SchillingGina CaranoLincoln Day Dinner DirectoryReagan Day Dinner DirectoryRoger Keats for Cook CountyState Senator Matt Murphy

Tom Swiss Is a Republican

If you live in the Wicker Park or Bucktown Neighborhoods, you've probably seen signs for Tom Swiss, which say that he's seeking the democratic nomination for Illinois State Rep. in the 5th District.

Technically, true.

What they don't say is that he's a republican.